The texts identify a total of ten fetters that keep the mind bound to the processes of further becoming.
"The texts identify a total of ten fetters that keep the mind bound to the processes of further becoming. In addition to the first three [uncertainty, self-identity views, and grasping at habits and practices], these are: sensual desire, ill will, passion for form, passion for what is formless, conceit, restlessness, and ignorance (AN 10:13). Only on the fourth level of awakening, arahantship, do all ten fetters fall away. As a number of suttas say, on the lower levels of awakening you may have seen the Dhamma, but you don’t yet dwell “touching it with your body” (SN 48:53; SN 12:68). In other words, you have yet to experience it in a lasting, all-around way. This means that there is more work to be done."
~ Thanissaro Bhikkhu "The Stream to Unbinding"
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