You have a different relationship to the world entirely. You bring gifts to the world without needing to ask anything of it.
Question: I’ve come to meditation to help me bear the atrocities
of the world. What is awakening? Is it a moment of conscience when one
embraces all the sorrows of the world, and in that case means hello to
all sorrows or is it on the contrary a state of total forgetfulness and
egotism, in that case it would be hello to guilt? So, which is it?
Thanissaro Bhikkhu:
Neither. Remember the image of feeding. Ordinarily, we feed on the
world, both physically and mentally, in order to gain happiness and
maintain our identity as beings. But when you gain full awakening, the
mind no longer needs to feed because it already has enough in terms of
its own happiness. When you’ve reached that state, you can engage in the
world without having to feed on it. You can help those whom you can
help, and you don’t have to suffer in cases where you can’t help. In
this way, you’re neither embracing the sorrows of the world nor are you
running away from them. Instead you have a different relationship to the
world entirely. You bring gifts to the world without needing to ask
anything from it.
~ The Karma of Mindfulness: The Buddha's Teachings on Sati and Kamma
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