The Buddha’s solution is not simply to say, “Well, just be content where you are.” It’s to say that there’s something in the mind you can attain that will have a sense of enough.

"It’s this sense of not having had enough, not having enough: That’s what drives us. So the Buddha’s solution is not simply to say, “Well, just be content where you are.” It’s to say that there’s something in the mind you can attain that will have a sense of enough. It truly will be enough, more than enough. And there’s a path that leads there — but it’ll require that you tame your cravings.

So look at that teaching as good news, a gift, because there are so many people in the world who don’t listen to it, and they suffer because of that. Right here’s the gift. Make the most of it.

~ Thanissaro Bhikkhu "A Slave to Craving"


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